Minggu, 12 April 2020

Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 - Transportation beserta Contoh dan Soal


Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 - Transportation beserta Contoh Kalimat dan Soal Latihannya

Simak vocabulary/kosa kata transportation berikut ini :
v  car = mobil
v  bicycle = sepeda
v  bus = bis
v  school bus = bis sekolah
v  motorcycle = sepeda motor
v  pedicab = becak
v  taxi = taksi
v  truck = truk
v  train = kereta
v  plane = pesawat terbang
v  ship = kapal
v  helicopter = helikopter
v  hot air balloon  = balon terbang
v  cruiser ship = kapal pesiar
v  ambulance = ambulans
v  scooter = skuter
v  boat = kapal
v  rocket = roket
v  warship = kapal perang
v  Tractor = traktor

Contoh Kalimat menggunakan Transportation

·                     I go to school by school bus (aku pergi ke sekolah naik bis sekolah)
·                     We go to the zoo by train (kami pergi ke kebun binatang naik kereta)
·                     My father go to his office by motorcycle (ayahku ke kantornya naik motor)
·                     My uncle go to Jakarta by car (pamanku pergi ke jakarta naik mobil)
·                     The ambulance color is white (ambulans berwarna putih)
·                     The truck color is yellow (truk berwarna kuning)
·                     The train color is blue (kereta berwarna biru)
·                     The hot air balloon is so colorful (balon terbang itu sangat berwarna)

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